Chonson Beyond focus on large scale industrial aquaculture, in which aquaculture processes can be automatically controlled and get better final products.
Based on the advanced products of foreign brands and domestic supply chain
Chonson Beyond can offer systematic solutions and containerized products for clients from aquaculture.
Offshore Aquaculture
Offshore aquaculture in China consists of large quantities of small scale net pens, resulting pollution to environment, which means offshore aquaculture will be controlled, diminished or demolished.
Open Sea Aquaculture
Open sea aquaculture means fish raised in large scale net pens in open sea, several technical problems need solving such as net pens about waving preventing and automatic control; auxiliary equipment like automatic feeding system, processing vessels, well boats and service vessels.
Land-Based RAS
Some clients also turn to land-based RAS for its automation and process control.
•Services about Fish processing like pre-processing, deep processing, refrigeration/heating; fish harvesting; automatic feeding; vital system from fry to grow-out
•Vessel services such well boat, processing vessel and other supporting vessel
•Participate in the development of fish behavioral monitoring and hatchery equipment
•Other solutions, equipment and expertise from egg to market-size fish